Porcelain Department: Cerpress® SL and Sensation® SL Pressable Ceramic System: Sensation® SL Build-Up Layering Porcelain for Cerpress® SL: Sensation® SL Paste Opaques: Sensation® SL Paste Opaques Modifiers - Sensation SL Paste Opaques Modifiers
Sensation SL Paste Opaques Modifiers
Pricing and Ordering
Price: $32.63
Item Number:  230-OM
Sensation SL® is low fusing leucite reinforced glass ceramic. Sensation SL and Cerpress SL are made from the same components with the same coefficient of thermal expansion resulting in excellent harmonization between the two materials. The high content of leucite and small crystal size provides increased strength and superior light reflection qualities. Fluorescence is a major characteristic in creating a natural appearance. Sensation SL has the perfect balance of fluorescent elements which enables the restoration to duplicate natural dentition in all lighting conditions. The CTE for Sensation porcelain is 14.7. The acceptable CTE range for alloys is 15.8-16.7, Paste Opaques Modifiers available in 5 gm container.
 Pricing and Ordering:
Porcelain Shades
