Designed to give you the safest most effective product.
Solubilizing action rapidly penetrates joints, crevices and delicate areas better than any other cleaner.
Dissolves large quantities of gypsum, lasts longer, and saves time.
Plaster deposits disintegrate and dissolve in minutes.
Removes tarnish and oxidation and leaves instruments shining.
High capacity for calcium and magnesium compounds.
Leaves denture base clean, and looking like new.
Safe - no hazard shipping restrictions.
Non-caustic, non-corrosive.
Safe for use on aluminum.
Use directly in the ultrasonic tank, or in glass or plastic beaker.
Safe for hands, no rubber gloves needed.
May be shipped in any weather.
Biodegradable product can be flushed down lab drain for disposal.
Quantity: 1 lb. powder